(Don't Quit! ,Don't Give up!)-I was reminded we all are under attack , the enemy is after us to destroy us and for us to quit the race , but sat in the race, the fight is fixed, whether you have title or not, wither you have just given your life to the Lord or you have been in church long time enemy is after you. We were reminded us of the many bible characters who wanted to give up. Elijah was depressed and wanted to give up, Jonah wanted to give up, Jeremiah, and many more,
But remember -Failure is never Final
-God is the author and finisher of our faith
-Our story ends with victory.
-Repentance moves the Hand of God,
-The reason why you should not quit,
-The devil attack's us with this word Fatigue :
Extreme tiredness which affects our mental & Physical state.
Look Out!
-God will help in the fire, Just like Daniel & the 3 Hebrew boys.
-When God step in the fire No one Get's burn
Have a blessed day.
#Don't Quit!!
#Press Forward, ##Repent, #Reclaim #Refocus #Resue, Overtake, Recover all.. #Like David